Kamis, 15 April 2010

Classroom Action Research

The Ability In Arranging English Sentence In Procedure text of the Ninth grade Students of SMP I Jekulo Kudus In Academic Years 2009/2010
By : Lia Puspita NIM : 2004 – 32 – 104
Problems and Causes :
According to Lia from her skrpsi that students still find some difficulties in arranging English sentences in procedure text. Sometimes the students are confused in arranging steps of English sentences in procedure text. Just in short time without any exercise to apply it. So, the students are still confused in arranging procedure text.
Action procedure :
The Teacher must do the good method of teaching, it is BKOF ( Building Knowledge of field ), Modeling of text, join construction and independent constriction. In BKOF method , the teacher build the student knowledge ( Experience ), give cultural context , control relevant vocabulary and grammatical pattern. He/ She also make students active in the class.
The procedure of Modeling of text is the teacher gives the original text to the students then explain clearly about semantic structure and linguistic feature of the text then analyze it in the group of students work.
The English Teacher Problems in Implementing KTSP In Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nahdlatul Muslimin Undaan Kudus In academic Years 2008/2009
By : M. Ridlo NIM : 2003-32-566
Problems and Causes :
According to Ridlo from his skrpsi that the teachers have not good understanding of KTSP ( School based curriculum ) and also the purpose of KTSP it self.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that there are three factor in implementing curriculum, as follow :
1. The characteristics of curriculum that is scope in explanation of curriculum and the idea in curriculum in teaching learning process.
2. The implementation strategy, the strategy that used in implementation curriculum, such as : Discussion, seminar, curriculum training, etc .
3. The characteristics of user curriculum , knowledge skills, score, attitude of teacher , and the ability of teacher planning in teaching learning process.
The Ability in Transiting English Noun Phrase of the second Grade Students SMA NU Bugel Jepara in Academic years 2006/2007
By : Noor Hidayah NIM : 2007-32-089
Problems and Causes :
According to Noor Hidayah in her Skripsi that the students often get difficulties in transiting noun phrasal patterns. They are still confused to translate English noun phrase. It is true that although the transiting English noun phrases are small mistakes of part of speech, but it can influence the students in mastering English well and correctly.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that teacher must make understanding to the student , because understanding is needed so much to get a good translation according to the rules of translation .Besides, it also must refer to KTSP then translated will be more effective and success.
The Ability of The Eleventh Grade Students of IPA and IPS of SMAN I Mejobo Kudus In academic Years 2009/2010 In Translating English Political Text In Jakarta Post.
By : Tri Julianto NIM : 2005-32-048
Problems and Causes :
According to Tri J in his Skripsi that the students have different experience of world, outside the classroom and their knowledge also different with each other. In other hand , the teacher have to effort to make the knowledge of the Students same each other. Action procedure :
Action procedure :
According to the writer , that the students have to master the method which is used in teaching English In School. Teacher follow the technique in the teacher hold book and evaluation sheets for the students ( LKS )are building knowledge of field, modeling of text and join construction .
The Analysis of sentence fragments in composition by the tenth Students Of SMA I Bae Kudus In the Academic Years 2007/2008
By : Ani Risnawati NIM : 2004-32-019
Problems and Causes :
According to Ani Risnawati that the students say that they still make some errors in composition of their text.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that the teacher must do the technique in writing composition as follow :
1. Choosing the subject
2. Planning the composition
3. How to end the composition
The Reading Comprehension of the Eight Grade Students of SMPN II Mejobo Kudus In Academic Years 2009/2010 Taught by Using Small Group Discussion.
By : Rony Rosidi NIM : 2005-32-008
Problems and Causes :
According to Roni from his script ion that the problems of it is the reading comprehension of English text of the students is not satisfactory . They have difficulty in understand the meaning of the English text .
Action procedure :
According to the writer that using small group discussion is effective way for teaching language, and the teacher can uses one of some types of small discussion group.
1. Equals role group.
2. Assigned- opinion group.
3. Assigned role group.
And do the steps of it, as follow :
1. Teacher gives a problems.
2. Reading instruction to the group.
3. Distributing and scoring the material.
4. Mutual Help
5. Group Presentation.

Using Small Group Discussion In Teaching Speaking For Tenth Grade Students Of SMAN I Mejobo In Academic Years 2007/2008
By : Naziyyatun Nikmah NIM : 2004-32-112
Problems and Causes :
According to Naziyyatun Nikmah from his script ion that The teachers have problems in teaching speaking, as follow :
1. The limited time for teaching speaking.
2. The domination of teaching English by structure and reading.
3. The large number of the students in the class.
4. The lack of proper material speaking class.

Action procedure :
According to the writer that The teacher must do good technique, such as :
1. Role play
2. Games
3. Problem solving
4. Drama
5. Simulation
6. Interview
7. Discussion
8. A propo
The Ability In Writing Sentences using Singular And Plural Pronouns Of The Eight Years Students MTSN Margoyoso Pati in academic Years 2007/2008
By ; Listiana Fitri NIM : 2003-32-091
Problems and causes :
According to the writer that the students get difficulties to understand the sentences consist of singular and plural.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that the teacher teach the students and the student have to know the singular first, therefore the teacher must teach about singular and plural pronoun bit by bit together with the language level used in the book, although there is no test for students.

The Analysis of Script ion in action research

Arranged By :
Abdussalam 2007-32-244
Sri Wahyuningsih 2007-32-156
Susi 2007-32-189


The Ability In Arranging English Sentence In Procedure text of the Ninth grade Students of SMP I Jekulo Kudus In Academic Years 2009/2010
By : Lia Puspita NIM : 2004 – 32 – 104
Problems and Causes :
According to Lia from her skrpsi that students still find some difficulties in arranging English sentences in procedure text. Sometimes the students are confused in arranging steps of English sentences in procedure text. Just in short time without any exercise to apply it. So, the students are still confused in arranging procedure text.
Action procedure :
The Teacher must do the good method of teaching, it is BKOF ( Building Knowledge of field ), Modeling of text, join construction and independent constriction. In BKOF method , the teacher build the student knowledge ( Experience ), give cultural context , control relevant vocabulary and grammatical pattern. He/ She also make students active in the class.
The procedure of Modeling of text is the teacher gives the original text to the students then explain clearly about semantic structure and linguistic feature of the text then analyze it in the group of students work.
The English Teacher Problems in Implementing KTSP In Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nahdlatul Muslimin Undaan Kudus In academic Years 2008/2009
By : M. Ridlo NIM : 2003-32-566
Problems and Causes :
According to Ridlo from his skrpsi that the teachers have not good understanding of KTSP ( School based curriculum ) and also the purpose of KTSP it self.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that there are three factor in implementing curriculum, as follow :
1. The characteristics of curriculum that is scope in explanation of curriculum and the idea in curriculum in teaching learning process.
2. The implementation strategy, the strategy that used in implementation curriculum, such as : Discussion, seminar, curriculum training, etc .
3. The characteristics of user curriculum , knowledge skills, score, attitude of teacher , and the ability of teacher planning in teaching learning process.
The Ability in Transiting English Noun Phrase of the second Grade Students SMA NU Bugel Jepara in Academic years 2006/2007
By : Noor Hidayah NIM : 2007-32-089
Problems and Causes :
According to Noor Hidayah in her Skripsi that the students often get difficulties in transiting noun phrasal patterns. They are still confused to translate English noun phrase. It is true that although the transiting English noun phrases are small mistakes of part of speech, but it can influence the students in mastering English well and correctly.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that teacher must make understanding to the student , because understanding is needed so much to get a good translation according to the rules of translation .Besides, it also must refer to KTSP then translated will be more effective and success.
The Ability of The Eleventh Grade Students of IPA and IPS of SMAN I Mejobo Kudus In academic Years 2009/2010 In Translating English Political Text In Jakarta Post.
By : Tri Julianto NIM : 2005-32-048
Problems and Causes :
According to Tri J in his Skripsi that the students have different experience of world, outside the classroom and their knowledge also different with each other. In other hand , the teacher have to effort to make the knowledge of the Students same each other. Action procedure :
Action procedure :
According to the writer , that the students have to master the method which is used in teaching English In School. Teacher follow the technique in the teacher hold book and evaluation sheets for the students ( LKS )are building knowledge of field, modeling of text and join construction .
The Analysis of sentence fragments in composition by the tenth Students Of SMA I Bae Kudus In the Academic Years 2007/2008
By : Ani Risnawati NIM : 2004-32-019
Problems and Causes :
According to Ani Risnawati that the students say that they still make some errors in composition of their text.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that the teacher must do the technique in writing composition as follow :
1. Choosing the subject
2. Planning the composition
3. How to end the composition
The Reading Comprehension of the Eight Grade Students of SMPN II Mejobo Kudus In Academic Years 2009/2010 Taught by Using Small Group Discussion.
By : Rony Rosidi NIM : 2005-32-008
Problems and Causes :
According to Roni from his script ion that the problems of it is the reading comprehension of English text of the students is not satisfactory . They have difficulty in understand the meaning of the English text .
Action procedure :
According to the writer that using small group discussion is effective way for teaching language, and the teacher can uses one of some types of small discussion group.
1. Equals role group.
2. Assigned- opinion group.
3. Assigned role group.
And do the steps of it, as follow :
1. Teacher gives a problems.
2. Reading instruction to the group.
3. Distributing and scoring the material.
4. Mutual Help
5. Group Presentation.

Using Small Group Discussion In Teaching Speaking For Tenth Grade Students Of SMAN I Mejobo In Academic Years 2007/2008
By : Naziyyatun Nikmah NIM : 2004-32-112
Problems and Causes :
According to Naziyyatun Nikmah from his script ion that The teachers have problems in teaching speaking, as follow :
1. The limited time for teaching speaking.
2. The domination of teaching English by structure and reading.
3. The large number of the students in the class.
4. The lack of proper material speaking class.

Action procedure :
According to the writer that The teacher must do good technique, such as :
1. Role play
2. Games
3. Problem solving
4. Drama
5. Simulation
6. Interview
7. Discussion
8. A propo
The Ability In Writing Sentences using Singular And Plural Pronouns Of The Eight Years Students MTSN Margoyoso Pati in academic Years 2007/2008
By ; Listiana Fitri NIM : 2003-32-091
Problems and causes :
According to the writer that the students get difficulties to understand the sentences consist of singular and plural.
Action procedure :
According to the writer that the teacher teach the students and the student have to know the singular first, therefore the teacher must teach about singular and plural pronoun bit by bit together with the language level used in the book, although there is no test for students.

The Analysis of Script ion in action research

Arranged By :
Abdussalam 2007-32-244
Sri Wahyuningsih 2007-32-156
Susi 2007-32-189


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