Kamis, 15 April 2010



1.1 Background 2
1.2 Statements of the Problems 3
1.3 Significances of writing the paper 4
1.4 Limitation of the Research 4
2.1 Review of Theories Relevant of Variables 5
2.1.1 Doubling cube 5
2.2 Hypothesis 9
3.1 Design of the Research 10
3.2 Population and Sample 10
3.3 Instrument of the Research 11
3.4 Technique of Collecting Data 12
3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data 12


1.1 Background of the Study
As the first foreign language in Indonesia, English is very significant in some circumstance and language plays important role in the communication, it is most primary instrument to communicate. There is much kind of languages in the world. Most of country has their own language; Hammer (2003:1) stated that English has become a lingua franca.
Based on the importance of English, our government has chosen the first foreign language and it is taught in school even it became, rather than French, Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese.
Our governments think, as a developing country, Indonesia requirement and instrument to improve the human resources especially in knowledge and technology. One of them is language. In a case English which is used by all people in this world to transfer knowledge and technology. Due to the fact Indonesian people have to learn as much as possible. English become mediator of modern technology in Indonesia and development of our education. Not to teach English in Junior High School we do not give the change to get involved in the progressive development with other countries have achieved.
It is generally difficult for Senior High School to understand English text either lexical meaning and structural meaning, and this make them reluctant to try to understand the content implied in English Exist. However some linguist has an idea that the lack of student’s comprehension is caused by their insufficient vocabulary mastery.
1.2 Statements of the Problem
From the brief statement above, it is needed to formulate question in order to clear up the problem as the object the study can be formulate as follow:
1. How is the mastery of English vocabulary of the fifth grade students of SDN Sukolilo 01 in the academic year 2010-2011 who are taught by using doubling cube game?
2. How is the mastery of English vocabulary of the fifth grade students of SDN Sukolilo 01in the academic year 2010-2011 who are taught without using Doubling game?
3. Is there any significant difference of the vocabulary mastery between the students who are taught by using Doubling cube game and those who are taught without using Doubling cube game?

1.3 Significances of the Research
By concluding this study, the writer hopes that the result can give are benefit to:
1. The English Teacher
It would be useful for English teacher who want to improve the English method and media. In the case in teaching vocabulary.
2. The student
The students are expected to find their difficulties in expressing the meaning in vocabulary it is hoped can motivate them in learning English.

1.4 Limitation of the Research
The limitation of this research is used in order to know the use of Doubling cube gave to develop students’ vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade student of SDN SUKOLILO 01-PATI in academic year 2010-2011.


2.1 Review of Theories Relevant to Variables
In this paragraph, the writer will be explaining about definition of crossword, history of Doubling cube
a. Definition of Doubling cube
A Doubling cube is a cube that normally using to playing games such as :backgammon, snake and ladder, monopoly etc. The goal is to manage the games.
Doubling cube are a kind of educational media which is used to present the teaching materials. The way of its presentation is easy. Doubling game can also be defined as the kind of games which are certainly performed with pleasure.
According to Hornby (1995:721) doubling cube can be used to build the imagination of the students. Doubling cube help to develop a child aptitude, creativity, and learn to cooperate with other.

b. History of doubling cube
Doubling cube are said to be the most popular game in the world, yet have a short history. The first doubling cube
2.1.1 Vocabulary Enrichment
a. Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is very important factor that can influence student’s comprehension ability. White (1986:337). Defines vocabulary as the vocabulary as the world that’s used in language. They are elements that are combined to make sentence discourse. The more vocabulary will be needed in order to make accurate word choice. So it will effectively convoy through ideas.
Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules combining them) make up a sentence or more, and used with definitions and translation (Hornby, 1986:959). (Soedidjiyo, 1981:1) point out the definitions of vocabulary as all words exiting in language, number of words that are arranged like dictionary give along with and practical explanation. Then, Soekasi (1979:7) says that definition of vocabulary are all words existing in language, words that are used in science, words that are used by group of people from circle, Whole morphemes existing in language, list of words or phrases of language arrange alphabetically and enclosed with explanation and definition. Nasir (1986:36). Support that vocabulary of language consist of lexical forms (word) that refer to part of our experience. In English, these words consist of consonants and vowels.
Based on all definition above, it can be conclude that vocabulary is the number of word that is possessed by one and used to arrange sentence in his / her communication.
b. The Purpose of Vocabulary
Prominently, the purpose of vocabulary mastery is to make the students capable of using the four language skill, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The in order to get the competence of the four skills, one think that should be noticed is the knowledge about vocabulary.
Tarigan (1986:22) says that principal purposes in increasing the quality of students’ vocabulary mastery are to sharpen the process of critical thinking of the students and to increase the students’ living class.
c. Way of Teaching Vocabulary
In the English learning process, there are some ways to teach vocabulary. Doff (1989:49) in his book “Teach English, a Teacher Training Course” mentions some techniques the teach vocabulary as follow:
1) Translation and Giving Vocabulary
2) Finding the Meaning in Context
3) Giving the Definition
4) Finding the Synonym and Antonym
5) Using Visual Aids

2.2 Hypothesis
There is a significant difference the mastery of English vocabulary between the fifth grade students of SDN Baturejo 01 Sukolilo-Pati in the academic year 2010/2011 by using and without using Doubling cube game as media.


3.1 Design of the Research
The definition of research design according to Tuckman (1972:13) is a specification for the testing hypothesis under a give of condition. There are nine functional categories of design alternatives that can be organized based on differing problem characteristics as state by Isaac and Michael (1981:41). There are historical researches, developmental research case or field research correlation research, causal comparative or expose fact to research.
According to Shohamy and Sillinger (1989:113) descriptive research concerned with providing description of phenomena that occur naturally, without interventions of an artificially contrived treatment. The type of the research is Descriptive Qualitative Research.
3.2 Population and Sample
1. Population
Population is total number of people in the certain place ( Arikunto, 2002 : 108) stated that “population is all the subject of the research”. It also written in Encyclopedia of Educational Evolution. That a population is asses’ collection of all elements possessing one or more attribute of interest.
The population of this study is total number of fifth grade students of SDN Sukolilo 01 – PATI In academic year 2010-2011. The number of population consists of eight classes which in each class consist of 43 so; the number of the population is about 129 students.
2. Sample
(Arikunto, 2002: 109) explain that “The subject is more than 100 people; it can be taken 10% until 20%. Because of the number of population more than 100 students, the writer only took 20% students in each class. The distributions of sample are:
Class 1 A. 36 Students: Student
: 9 student
Class 1 B 36 Students: Student
: 9 student
Class 1 C. 36 Students: Student
: 9 student
The sample of this study is about 27 students of the fifth grade students of SDN Sukolilo 01-PATI In academic year 2010-2011.

3.3 Instrument of the Research
Instrument is medium for collecting data by using a certain method. The success of research is determined by instrument, which is used, because the data which is needed to answer the research problem thought instrument.
In order to get the data need, a research can use instrument to gather data.
1. Observation.
2. Test.
a. Pre Test.
b. Post Test.

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data
The writer collected some data to get detailed information about the object to be discussed in this paper. She used some method of data collection as follow:
1. Consulting to the Headmaster
2. Preparing Test
3. Consulting the Instrument
4. Try out
5. Collecting and Scoring the Try Out of the Test
6. Conducting the Real Test
7. Collecting and Scoring the Result of the Test

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data
In this research the method that use by the teacher during the process of teaching leaning or the data collected during observation according to Andi Hakim Nasution (1992:74) stated that there are two kinds of data analysis :
1. Quantitative Data Analysis : It is kind of data analysis by observing the data directly and than representing the data figures
2. Qualitative Data Analysis: It is kind of data analysis by observing the data indirectly and than representing the data in figures.
In this research the writer used the qualitative data analysis that is getting the data though observation, interview and reading reference books, the data were analyzed qualitative and reported. After collecting data, the writer analysis the data had been collected trough giving Pre-test, observation, and Post-test.
After that the researcher can find out the students’ criteria in vocabulary. Then the researcher makes students competence by categorizing them into some group in order to express various level of students’ competence. As follow:
Table I
Criteria of Students’ Competence

Score Criteria
18-20 Excellent
14-17 Good
12-13 Fair
10-11 Poor

Based on the table above, the students’ enriching vocabulary through Doubling game a case of game can be know.


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Manser, Martin H. 1995. Oxford Learnear’s Pocket Dictionary. Hongkong : Oxford University Press.

Patilima, Hamid. 2007. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung : CV. Alfabeta.

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E. 2007. English for Young Learner; Melejitkan Potensi Anak Melalui English Class yang Fun, Asyik & Menarik. Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara.

Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1991. Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa. Bandung : PT. Aksara

Tuckman, Bruce. 1978. Conducting Educational Research. New York : Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Wallace, Michael. 1998. Action Research for Language Teachers. Cambridge : University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Oxford illustrators Ltd.

Morgan, John. 2004. Vocabulary. New York : Oxford University Press


Nazir, Mohammad. 1998. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta : Gahlia In

A Research proposal
To fulfill an assignment of Seminar on ELT
Rismiyanto, M.Pd

Arranged by :


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